
The Truman Show

Cover Image for The Truman Show
Brandon Copley
Brandon Copley

This pandemic has set the stage for a real live Truman show. The police should be livestreaming everything they do. So should we. Privacy died a long time ago. If we had video evidence that was free for everyone to see at any point in time. I bet this world would look a whole lot "nicer". That homeless guy really needs help, or ya know he already got his money, he's just stealing more now. Your close friends can stand up for your intentions and we can have better discourse.

The police should be livestreaming their interactions 24/7 with the public. I know this sucks for privacy, but privacy is dead. No more secrets no more killing people. We are going to be a better people. There can't be bullying, it's too easy to call it out after the fact. And the accused can never say "I didn't mean it, it's apology and over with".

It's time we live stream our lives. My iphone has live streaming video at all points in time. I want live video from every state of their election recount. It's 2020 there's no reason we can't have live video counting votes.